HOPE and UsFive is a Freelance Counselling, Writing and Translation Service dedicated to those who endeavor and work for learning and education, who seek efficient and trusted literary assistance and support from the like-minded who understand, appreciate, and share their goals and dedication in inspiring the minds, creating and promoting knowledge and information, seeking practical ideas and offering training and services through the written and spoken words.


we TRANSLATE  your written articles, literary papers, and documents — from Chinese , Persian, Arabic, and Turkish INTO English And from English INTO Chinese,  Persian/Arabic, and Turkish.

we TRANSCRIBE audio or video recordings of talks and lectures for you. We Type and format your papers and literary works  — in Chinese, English, Persian,  Arabic , and Turkish languages.

we offer COUNSELLING, ASSISTANCE  and  ADVICE on your research projects and literary papers; and if you are thinking to begin a new and small professional business and are looking for ideas that would meet your goals, we listen, and present thoughts and practical advice. We will be ready to accompany you step by step in outlining your strategy and plan of action to accomplish your goals.

Contact us by email or leave us a comment on this site.

With only a click you can easily share a post of this site with your colleagues and co-workers, with your friends and class-mates!


we TRANSLATE your written articles, literary papers, and documents—from Chinese and Persian INTO English.   And from English INTO Chinese and Persian.

we TRANSCRIBE audio or video recordings of talks and lectures for you. We Type and format your papers and literary works—in Chinese, English, and in Persian.

we offer COUNSELLING, ASSISTANCE  and  ADVICE on your research projects and literary papers; and if you are thinking to begin a new and small professional business and are looking for ideas that would meet your goals, we listen, and present thoughts and practical advice. We will be ready to accompany you step by step in outlining your strategy and plan of action to accomplish your goals.
Contact us by email or leave us a comment on this site.

With only a click you can easily share a post of this site with your colleagues and co-workers, with your friends and class-mates!


If you need Translation, Editing, and/or Transcription of your literary papers and work; If you need Counselling, Practical Advice and Assistance with your Research Papers, Educational Projects, and relevant Business Ideas, we are here to serve and assist you to accomplish and succeed.   Write us at UsFive@yahoo.com or leave a comment on This Site.

You can also easily with only a click share a post of this site with your colleagues and class-mates, with your friends and co-workers and be of a service and assistance to them and their assignments and work!

For more information and details please continue reading: 


Do you need Translations?

We translate your written articles, literary papers, and documents—from Chinese and Persian INTO English.  And from English INTO Chinese and Persian.

Do you need the Transcriptions of recorded (audio/video) talks?
Do you need assistance with typing of your literary works and papers, in Chinese, English, and Persian?

We transcribe audio or video recordings of talks and lectures for you. We Type and format your papers and literary works—in Chinese, English, and in Persian.

Do you need counselling assistance with your research papers and business ideas?

We offer counselling, assistance and advice on your research projects and literary papers; and if you are thinking to begin a new and small professional business and are looking for ideas that would meet your goals, we listen, and present thoughts and practical advice. We will be ready to accompany you step by step in outlining your strategy and plan of action to accomplish your goals.

Contact us by email or leave us a comment on this site.
With only a click you can easily share a post of this site with your colleagues and co-workers, with your friends and class-mates!


We translate your written articles, literary papers, and documents--from Chinese and Persian INTO English. And from English INTO Chinese and Persian.

We offer counselling, assistance and advice on your research projects and literary papers; and if you are thinking to begin a new and small professional business and are looking for ideas that would meet your goals, we listen, and present thoughts and practical advice. We will be ready to accompany you step by step in outlining your strategy and plan of action to accomplish your goals.

Trustworthiness, honesty, and spirit of service is NOT our advertising slogan; It is of the guiding principles and the foundation of our work mission!

Contact us by email or leave us a comment on this site.
With only a click you can easily share a post of this site with your colleagues and co-workers, with your friends and class-mates!

Baha'i Ridvan Festival, which is commemorated and celebrated each year for twelve days, during the period of April 21-May 2-- marks Baha'u'llah's Declaration of His Mission to His companions in 1863. It is the "holiest and most significant of the Baha'i Festivals". This is the time of exceeding gladness, thanksgiving and joyous celebration for me and all the Baha'is of the world. The First Day, the Ninth Day and the Twelfth Day of Ridvan (April 21 , 29 and May 2) are among Baha'i Holy Days on which work shall be suspended. 

To learn more about the Ridvan Festival and the history of the Declaration of Baha'u'llah, please visit:


Do you need counselling, assistance and advice on your research projects and literary papers? Are you thinking to begin a new professional personal business and are looking for ideas that would meet your goals? Do you have papers and literary assignments which need to be reviewed and improving advice to be provided to you?

Your need is our care. We welcome your inquiry and service needs with high spirit of dedication, efficiency and quality of excellence.

Ours is rendered with the spirit of service, as in the Baha'i Faith "sciences and crafts are counted as worship".


UsFive and You

We recognize the truth that "The life of man is useful if he attains the perfection of man." , and our standard is "Excellence in all things."
HOPE and UsFive

DO YOU NEED translation for your written articles, literary papers, and documents--from Chinese, Persian, Arabic, Turkish INTO English? Or from English INTO Chinese, Persian, Arabic, Turkish? WE TRANSLATE IT FOR YOU.

DO YOU NEED oral interpretation of your educational or business talk, presentation, interview--from Chinese, Persian, Arabic, Turkish INTO English? Or from English INTO Chinese, Persian, Arabic, Turkish? WE INTERPRETE FOR YOU.